Colors in Nature [Photography]

Colors in Nature [Photography]

When we think about colors in nature we go by seasons: if winter is black and white (and gray), then autumn is technicolor. One of the reasons autumn is often a favorite season, other than the month of perfect weather, are the colors. We see colors that we don’t...
April Showers: Rainy Day Photography

April Showers: Rainy Day Photography

It has been a rainy few days here in Louisville, luckily it’s the relaxing kind; the air is just warm enough, a slight misty breeze brushes against your face at just the right moment, and every now and again you’ll see the sun peeking through. Sunny days are the best,...
Zines: The DIY Magazine

Zines: The DIY Magazine

Zines are a homemade publication, originally in physical form, though online zines are popping up all over the place. They are shorter than the average magazine with a circulation of no more than 1000, and often have a theme. You can create your own illustrations and...
Tavi Gevinson: Inspiration for Bloggers

Tavi Gevinson: Inspiration for Bloggers

I’ve been blogging for a little over three years now. In the beginning I was writing for several companies, then started doing some of my own stuff. When you’re writing for many different genres a week, from plumbing to decorating your home, ideas can begin to run...