What Did Your Mood Ring Say About You?

What Did Your Mood Ring Say About You?

Remember mood rings? I had one that was shaped like a heart that was always purple or blue. According to the chart, my life was either relaxed or in upheaval – makes sense, it was middle school, a time when we’re all a bit bipolar. I found a few charts with your mood...
Colors in Nature [Photography]

Colors in Nature [Photography]

When we think about colors in nature we go by seasons: if winter is black and white (and gray), then autumn is technicolor. One of the reasons autumn is often a favorite season, other than the month of perfect weather, are the colors. We see colors that we don’t...
April Showers: Rainy Day Photography

April Showers: Rainy Day Photography

It has been a rainy few days here in Louisville, luckily it’s the relaxing kind; the air is just warm enough, a slight misty breeze brushes against your face at just the right moment, and every now and again you’ll see the sun peeking through. Sunny days are the best,...
Zines: The DIY Magazine

Zines: The DIY Magazine

Zines are a homemade publication, originally in physical form, though online zines are popping up all over the place. They are shorter than the average magazine with a circulation of no more than 1000, and often have a theme. You can create your own illustrations and...
Tavi Gevinson: Inspiration for Bloggers

Tavi Gevinson: Inspiration for Bloggers

I’ve been blogging for a little over three years now. In the beginning I was writing for several companies, then started doing some of my own stuff. When you’re writing for many different genres a week, from plumbing to decorating your home, ideas can begin to run...
Left vs. Right Brain

Left vs. Right Brain

You have probably heard over your lifetime the differences between right and left brain thinkers. It probably started in elementary school; those who were really good at math used the left side more, while those who were more creative, and maybe better at language and...
The Basics of Feng Shui

The Basics of Feng Shui

Feng Shui originated in China and is a way of balancing our spirits with our environment. The goal is to let energy flow throughout the room as it is supposed to: the energy of a living room should be inviting and influence socializing, while the bedroom should be...